More Truth WIll Set You Free

Music · Meditation · Transformation

Monday nights 8-9pm (ET)

You deserve happiness, this is your birthright.
More Truth Will Set You Free™ workshops are an opportunity to identify blockages, patterns, and beliefs that are contributing to the challenges in your life.

Online ZOOM group meeting

When we gain perspective and a greater understanding of the message behind the imbalance, we begin to replace negative thoughts and emotions with gratitude and acceptance. This inner empowerment starts to reflect in our outer world and we recognize there is no need to rely on others to create a more fulfilling, happy and meaningful life. 


The combination of group sharing, inspirational teachings, meditation, and music creates an ideal environment to help us identify our own issues and their root-cause – so we can get a better understanding of their message, and let the healing begin. These workshops touch the very core of your being and bring soul-utions to your questions and fears.

Self healing

More Truth Will Set You Free™ events are based on the philosophy that we create our own reality. As such the events, relationships, and challenges in our life are often a mirror to what is going on in our inner world – emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Similar to the benefits of group meditation, when people gather with a specific intent such as healing or peace, the universe responds with energetic support greater than what we can achieve on our own.

$25 exchange for the workshop


*Connect spirit, body and mind


*Access untapped potential


*Remove limiting belief systems


*Self-confidence and empowerment

What participants say
Attending Rebecca’s More Truth Classes have helped bring clarity around some hurts and pains in relation to myself and the world. They are always a fun, light, energetic and uplifting experience that soothes my soul and body. I am able to feel spirit’s presence here.
Jenny Deady/ Brooklyn
Contact me to let me know you want to join the class.
Please pay via the Venmo button.
I also accept Paypal:
Once I receive payment, I will email you the Zoom link.

The Power of Joining High Vibrational Groups

We are the change we want to see in the world.
We are stronger together.